Thursday, April 25, 2013

Blogfolio #21

1)      Video: The introduction video that we did met the NET standard 3 because we demonstrated collaboration with our parents, students, and peers by sharing our personal knowledge through self-videos on a blog. I can use this in my future classroom at the beginning of the year (maybe even before school starts) so parents and students can get a feel for me and who I am. I liked learning how to do this, because I think showing our students and parents who we are is critical.
2)      Concept Map: Doing the concept map met the 2nd NET standard because we learned how to design and develop learning experiences for our students that incorporate digital tools to promote learning and activity. I will definitely be able to use this in my classroom for topics that are multi-layered for easier understanding. This was a good thing to learn because it may help some students who need to see layered curriculum rather than just hear it.
3)      Kahn’s Academy: Using Kahn Academy in the classroom would meet the 3rd NET standard. It meets the 3rd standard because it is communicating relevant ideas using different formats of media. I may or may not be able to use this in my classroom. I probably will not start out using them, but if a student seems to be struggling I would refer them to his videos. This is a good tool to aid the students that may be struggling.
4)      Voki: Making a Voki meets the NET standard 3 similarly to number 1. It collaborates with parents and students through sharing of personal knowledge in a virtual environment. I think I could use this in my classroom, but probably would not. I would rather use a recorded video of me actually rather than the cartoon. I liked that we learned this, but just don’t know if I want to put it to use. It was a good thing to learn, though.
5)      Gap Minder: The Gap Minder tool meets the 4th NET standard because it models cultural understanding using digital age tools. The students can easily get on their computers and learn about people in other places that are very far (and very different) than them. I really would like to use this in several units in my classroom to keep the students’ minds open to the idea that everything and everybody in the world is not like the United States. It was a good thing to learn because it gives students a visual perspective of how things are in many places at a certain time rather than them just hearing what I am telling them.
6)      World Peace games: I feel like the World Peace Game meets the 5th NET standard because it allows the educator to exhibit leadership by practicing shared decision making and community building and developing the children’s leadership skills as well. I cannot use this in my classrooms, because I feel like it is intended for very advanced students and I hope to be working in Special Ed. so it would probably be too much going on at one time to benefit them. I do like the game and the idea behind it and I think it may be very beneficial to many students, especially those who do not feel challenged by class work. World Peace games may push them to the level of involvement they need.
7)      Movie Maker: Using the Movie Maker met the 2nd NET standard since we learned to design learning experiences that incorporate contemporary tools to maximize learning content and better the develop the knowledge. I can use this later to help ensure that my students have a firm grasp on the concepts I am teaching. We could learn a unit and at the end make a movie using all the things they learned from that unit. I really like this and think it was wonderful to be taught how to do it. 
8)      Xtranormal: Learning to create a small video using Xtranormal met NET standard number 1. Xtranormal can engage students in exploring real-world issues and show them problem solving through digital tools when the characters in the movie encounter and problem and fix it. I plan on using this in my classroom to set up social stories for my children with disabilities to teach them how to handle change in a real-life setting and situation. I liked this because the clips can be tailored to whatever kind of message you are trying to send with its wide variety of character choices and settings.
9)      Software and Hardware Technology: Learning the ins and outs of technology lingo directly links to the 3rd NET standard because it shows that the educator has fluency in technology systems and should be able to transfer that knowledge to new situations. I think the ways I can use this in the classroom are obvious, I am now more knowledgeable about the words of technology so if there is ever an issue and I have to hear or read how to fix it from someone who is tech. savvy I can better understand him or her. I liked think it was good to learn this so I can be more competent when I am speaking with someone who knows computers.
10)   Web Site: Creating a Teacher’s Website meets the 4th NET standard, because we had to model digital etiquette and responsible social interactions related to the use of technology and information. I will definitely use a personal website in my classroom that is beneficial for the parents as well as the student. This was my favorite project that we did. I think all teachers should have a web page available for students and their parents. I really liked learning how to do

In this class I have learned many things that will be beneficial for my future career as an educator.  I learned how to use programs that will help me integrate technology into my class. I did pretty well doing the things required in the class, my weakness was just going over what was asked of us. I also was not very successful at making my videos upload onto my blog each time that was required. I did pretty well when we made the video and felt confident in how to work Movie Maker. I think uploading videos was my weak point because I was not confident in how it was properly going into blogger. I think I was stronger in Movie Maker because I have used it before so I understood it well. I will keep trying with blogger until I can successfully upload a couple of videos which I will learn how to do by practice. I will make sure to have a class website and use aspects such as Xtranormal and Gap Minder in my classroom. I think blogs could be pretty useful in education, especially as far as turning in writing assignments goes. I could have each student post their writing to their blogs and have them learn how to use technology and do the assignments.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Atlanta Cheating Scandal Reverberates #18

This article is interesting to me. Although, I was not surprised that someone has actually gotten caught. I think for years many people have taken advantage and for granted the fact that people just don't usually cheat. I think it is sad that it affected so many teachers the way it has especially those who were trying to uncover the truth, but were in fear for their jobs or other things. I also feel bad that now large improvements made in any schools (especially these) will be heavily investigated. It also may make some teachers or counties nervous to have such large, or even minor, improvements in their scores. This is a shame, because schools should be able to be proud of their achievements not scared to have them. I just can't believe there were so many educators on board with cheating. I would think real educators whose hearts are in it, would want the students to succeed on their own. I just think the whole article is very strange.

To All the Colleges that Rejected ME #17

I think she is almost dead on. Not only just with colleges, but clubs and positions as well. There are many clubs at Southern that would not accept someone who only works a twenty-hour a week job and goes to school full-time simply because (besides the club I am trying to become involved in) I am not involved in campus life. But, I mean, that's what I am trying to do by applying to your club. "Only working a part-time job" while being in school full time is quite an accomplishment too. Just because it's not a school activity does not mean I'm not doing anything. I think she really is right about how colleges or things like this are towards appliers these days. I feel like her saying things that may be offensive is not to be harsh, but merely just pointing out how extreme or over the top someone applying must be or what he or she must have been or done.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Lalee's Kin #16

What is the problem?
 The problem is that the children in the district were not making the scores needed for the county to keep running the school instead of the state running the area. The problem also revolved around money; no one had any money to provide the school necessities for their children.

Why is it still around?

It's like a vicious cycle. What they need to fix the problem is not readily available to them; therefore, it's going to keep going until they can get to the resources easily and properly provide for the children.

How can we fix it?
It's still not fixed, because they can't get the funds there. They also cannot get the teachers there, due to low salaries for the teachers. It will only be fixed when constant funding and proper education are instructed there.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Gapminder World #15

The chart that I looked at was in the education literacy of boys versus girls. The countries that I looked at were China, Honduras, and Kenya. I picked these three because they are spread across the globe  instead of all clumped together to get a broader idea of literacy globally. It was very interesting to me, because Honduras and Kenya did not even show up on the map until the early 2000s and the amounts were very small; however, China's percentages were large and were recorded back to the 1980s where as the other two were not. The literacy percentages for Kenya and China (when they did show up) were very small. China's percentages have continuously risen (who's surprised?). While Kenya's even though the percentages were small, have risen over the years, but Honduras's has dropped almost consistently. I found it interesting that even though all the countries have had some types of changes, that since the 80s literacy is still how most people would expect it to be in those places.$majorMode=chart$is;shi=t;ly=2003;lb=f;il=t;fs=11;al=30;stl=t;st=t;nsl=t;se=t$wst;tts=C$ts;sp=5.59290322580644;ti=2009$zpv;v=0$inc_x;mmid=XCOORDS;iid=phAwcNAVuyj1jiMAkmq1iMg;by=ind$inc_y;mmid=YCOORDS;iid=0AkBd6lyS3EmpdE8xR0dUWDI4ME02SjQ5bi1NYnFHN0E;by=ind$inc_s;uniValue=8.21;iid=phAwcNAVuyj0XOoBL_n5tAQ;by=ind$inc_c;uniValue=255;gid=CATID0;by=grp$map_x;scale=log;dataMin=283;dataMax=110808$map_y;scale=lin;dataMin=24;dataMax=115$map_s;sma=49;smi=2.65$cd;bd=0$inds=i97_t002001,,,,;i114_t002000,,,,;i44_t001982,,,,

Voki-- Calss Introduction #14

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Salman Khan--TED #13

I love how Kahn thinks about his videos. He knows that they are very useful not just to the people he was teaching, but others as well. I like that students can go back and re-watch, pause, rewind, etc. that would be useful to a student who may other wise be scared to stop and ask questions. I LOVE that he helped the Autistic student and think that he must be finding very unique ways of explaining mathematical ideas. I like that he says his videos remove "one size fits all" lectures. I think it is very beneficial for students to be able to go home and initially learn the lesson and get assistance later with more hands on help in the classroom. I like his analysis to math with bicycle riding. Too many children are not fully being taught some things and are getting left behind when the class moves on, so I think that being able to do and re-do at home until mastery is reached. Then, one can move on so that no gaps are left. Keeping data on each student from the site will also be helpful when teachers are trying to see what students (as a whole or individually) are struggling with and get them help. I think "flipping" the classroom is a very beneficial way of teaching.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Education Articles #12

As far as the sequestering article goes, I am very disturbed by it. I depend on governmental grants and work study money to make it through college and daily expenses. Without it, I will be in quite a struggle. I find it interesting that Obama was stating that he was going to make college easier on the poor students with single mothers so they could actually afford it from funding he would push for. When actually now he is cutting what he before said he would improve. I also hate that these cuts will harm grad-students and post doctoral students in their amount of positions available. I am very disappointed in the way things for higher education are headed, but I can't say I'm surprised.

I feel like there may be a better way to do this than how it currently being done. I think students could be assigned numbers that correlate all through their school years and the companies could use these numbers and contact school officials and have them contact the students (or their parents) with specialized programs for certain students. I can understand these parents concerns and really am surprised that so many states have accepted this so quickly, especially with it having such a high cost. However, the schools are receiving incentives in the form of grants if they decide to use this database. I hope that when this program makes its way down here to Mississippi that we will not accept it and that our school officials will see the potential holes in the system.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Ken Robinson Says Schools Kill Creativity Post #11

TED Talk

I think Ken is right. I think schools do tell children to calm down and that that sometimes keep children from possibly growing and becoming something that they could. I also think kids should be given outlets to use their creativity. I feel like he hits the nail on the head when he talks about how once we reach a certain age that schools only teach us from the waist up and then later only focus on the head and brain. He is so right when he says that we don't grow into creativity, rather out of it. I feel like this may happen to many children in our schools, because the artsy ones who doodle, or can't sit still are "taught out" of these behaviors; therefore, hindering (or killing) their creativity.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

John Hunter's World Peace Game Post #10

TED Talk 
1) When Hunter says he is "standing on the shoulders of many people" he means that many people have helped him get to where he is today. He said he could remember different parts of the people that helped shaped him and he is lifted to where he is by how they taught him and got him there.

2) Hunter used the game to engage multiple types of learners. The game allowed him to reach his hands-on learners because they could use the game-board and listeners could hear other ideas and the visual learners could see what was going on.

3) Some of the positions the children played were Prime Minister, Weather goddess (controlled stocks/weather), People of Peace Positions, saboteur, etc.

4) John Hunter's role was to be the F... and he had to relinquish power to his students.

5) Writing the condolence letters allowed the students to have to take time to actually think about the families that would potentially be losing someone who was in that war. It made them look at the war with a more humanistic approach and think about others before just launching into a war.

6) I think John Hunter's character is enthusiastic, caring, and creative. I think his creating this game shows how badly he wants his students to really grasp and understand what he is trying to teach them.

7) I think I would feel successful if my students learned a critical thinking skill or two while in my class. Many students are capable of just remembering facts, but actually learning how to analyze something and seeing them use that would make me feel successful.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Tech Tip and Software/Hardware Post #9

Technology Tips:
  • Alt+tab- can switch between open items
  • Ctrl+F- goes to edit find to find something in a document
  • Ctrl+S- to save a word document 
  • Ctrl+Alt+Delete- menu to close programs
  • Ctrl+2- to double space in word
  • to send large files that may not fit in an email up to 2 gigs
  • Ctrl+V- to paste
  • Ctrl+C- to copy
  • Ctrl+B- to bold type
  • Use letters, numbers, and special characters, and capital letter for a password; change them often; don't have the same password for everything
  • Ctrl+W- to close tabs
  • Ctrl+Z- to undo
  • Ctrl+R- right align
  • Ctrl+L- left align
  • Ctrl+E- center align
  • Ctrl+A- select all
  • Ctrl+1- single space
  • Ctrl+P- prints
  • Ctrl+tab- opens tabs
  • Print Screen- to screen shot on a PC
  • Ctrl+I- italicize

I want to learn more about Windows 8.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Weather Conditions Concept Map #8

Weather Conditions

I. Sunny

Many people like sunny weather. If it is sunny outside that means there are little or no clouds in the sky. Sunny weather is a nice time to spend time outside playing with friends and family. There are some feeling associated with sunny weather like, cheer and happiness.

A   Clear

B   Mostly Sunny

II Cloudy

If the weather is cloudy that means there are some sections of the sky that cannot be seen because it is covered by clouds. It can be partly cloudy, which is when about half the sky is covered be clouds. If it is overcast that means most or almost all of the sky is covered by clouds. Many people associate cloudy weather with sadness.

A   Partly Cloudy



Rain is when droplets of water fall from the sky. There can be a rain shower, when it rains only for a brief period of time. There can be misty rain when the droplets are relatively small. There is also heavy rain when the droplets are large. If it is raining, be sure to grab a rain jacket and an umbrella to stay dry!


B    Heavy Rain


Snow is ice water that falls from the clouds in the form of flakes. There is sleet snow, which is when there is rain mixed these snow flakes that fall down. There is also heavy snow which is when four or more inches snow in a twelve hour time frame. In heavy snow, visibility is also a determining factor, if it is reduce by .31 miles, it is considered as heavy snow.

A   Sleet

B   Heavy Snow

V Severe

Sever weather can mean many things. If the weather is severe, that means there is potential for those weather conditions to cause damages to the things around it. One type of sever weather is a tornado which is when air rotates in a circle-like motion with strong, destructive winds. Tornados are classified by the strength of their winds: an F0 has winds of forty to seventy-two mph and an F6 has winds of 319 to 379 mph.  Another type of severe weather is a hurricane.  A hurricane is a tropical storm that has sustained winds of seventy-four mph. It has an eye at the center of the storm. Hurricanes are measured by categories. A category one has winds from seventy-four to ninety-five mph; while a category five has winds from 155 mph up. Typhoons are tropical storms in the Northwest Pacific Basin.

A    Tornados

1.  F 0:
Gale Tornado

2.  F 6:
Inconceivable Tornado

B    Hurricanes

1.    Category 1

2.    Category 5

C    Typhoons

Friday, January 25, 2013

Tehcnology in the Classroom: Friend or Foe? #7

     This article basically stated the pros and cons to both sides of using technology in the classroom. It states that there is a basic split stance about technology's use in classrooms: does it give students the skills they need in the 21st century or does it keep them from gaining skill that most think are only attainable through peer/teacher interactions. The author states some reasons for using technology like: it prepares them for college and/or work, it gives them access to information at a global level, and it may motivate them more since they like and are familiar with technology already. He also lists some of the setbacks that may come with using tech classrooms such as: online classes cannot compare to the experiences in real classes, class discussions cannot be duplicated on screen, students need to know how to socialize without technology, and teachers are very important to a student's development. He ends the article by asking "Where do you stand on the use of technology in the classroom?"
     After reading this article, I have to say I stand straight in the middle. I believe that there is a common-ground where students can use technology to acquire those skills they need and also interact with their peers and teachers to get the social aspect as well. I think technology does have it's place in the classroom, but should not take over, nor be totally left out. I feel if too much of one or the other is removed, the students will severely suffer. If technology is not use, then once the student leave schools and enters the workforce or college (where technological use is almost always a must) then he or she will have no idea what to do and may not be hired or fall behind in school work; however, if technology is the sole focus of a classroom, when the student goes to college and has to do group projects or when he or she goes into the workforce and has to collaborate with co-workers, the appropriate skills will be lacking and the student may lose his or her job or receive a bad grade. I hope that most people will see a middle ground and work hard to find in their classrooms to give their students the balance they need in today's society.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Computer Questions #6

1)What is Software?
Software programs, applications, mainly instructions. (Microsoft Word)

2) What is hardware?
Hardware is like the monitor, keyboard, anything you can touch. Input-keyboard;Output-screen

3)What does CPU stand for?
Central Processing Unit- like a "brain" it takes commands

4)What does RAM stand for?
RAM---Random Access Memory- helps the operating system (Windows) and allows the computer to run faster- non-volatile

5) What does ROM stand for?
ROM--- Read Only Memory- helps boot the system up, saved on the hard drive

6) What does a hard drive do?
A hard drive is for saving or storing your information. You have internal or external, big or small.

7) What is a server?
Any computer can be a server. They give out various information. Can set it up at home. There are lots of them. (Google)

The Machine is Using Us #5

-Written text is harder to manipulate than typed. Typed text can be deleted and replaced so easily when    written text has to be erased and written over and you can tell that something was there previously.
-Most websites are created from html where there are lots of abbreviations that structure the page. I think how websites are made and how they come from just lots of text and symbols.

-The web is now linking people. Instead of us using links to go places, the links are now going to connect other people.
-We organize the data. We determine how it is designed on the computer and what we put on there.
-The machine uses us to organize it and to "sell" our data to others.

-The machine is us. It is composed of what we do and how we update without us, it wouldn't totally work. We make it up. 

-I don't get what web 2.0 is. I've never heard of it.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The Dirty and Dangerous Side of Tech #4

     This article was very interesting to me. I had no idea that these dangerous chemicals were used in the technology that we use every day. (I guess I should do more research before buying.) I also never thought about what I should do with my old phones, they usually just get stuck in a drawer or given to one of the children in the family to use as their "phone." However, I will start being more responsible about what I do with my phones after they have reached the end of their time or I decide it's time for an upgrade.
        I think it is an added plus that the European Union had banned these so that will cut down and the materials being used. I will also try to wait with my phone purchasing until the one I have absolutely will not make it any longer, before purchasing a new one. That way I can help and do my part to keep more phones (even if only a few) out of the "end of life" part of the cycle.
       I hope that I am not the only one who was reached by this article and plans to do some of the things that the author suggested. After reading this I will certainly try to to wait until my phone will not last any longer, research the phone and the company's environmental stance before buying, and be responsible with where my old phones end up.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Pay Attention #3

1. I can make sure that when I teach I will try to include technology to engage my students when they learn. I know that technology captures their attention so I can use it to get some of them paying attention who may not usually. I can try to make sure they are included in the technology that I am using as well, instead of me just standing up there using it for them to watch. The video talks about how much they love to use technology so by letting them use it I will be able to let them participate in using the things they love, which may let them want to come to class because they can learn on things they like to use.

2. How many hours people spend on TV and the amount of text messages spent. I cannot believe how many young (4-6) years are already using computers. The stats about seniors also caught my attention. I knew how I felt about my classes, but I didn't realize that so many didn't find the classes they were taking useful or meaningful.

3. Technology in classrooms now is kind of coming around. I feel like college is grasping the concept more than elementary/high schools. I know many teachers have had us pull out our phones and I feel like those classrooms are the ones that made me feel like I would be most interested in. I hope in my classroom in the future I will include technology in so many of the creative ways that will keep my students interested in my class.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Manti Teo and Ron McKlevey Scammers #2

    I find it very interesting that both of these football players were actually able to pull off these scams for any amount of time. However, I feel like Ron's should have been able to be exposed more quickly. I feel like the school should have been more thorough with checking into their students and players to ensure they are who they say they are. It's understandable that someone could say they have a girlfriend and that most people would not look into it. So, his scam actually working for a while is not as surprising to me as someone claiming to be someone else and getting away with it for a college football career.
    I think impersonating someone else is a serious offense and just am in shock that it can be done so easily. When it seemed a little strange for a twenty-three year old to still be in football, things should have been seriously looked at. I also think lying about having a girlfriend who passed away from something as serious as Leukemia is sickening. That is not something that should be taken lightly or joked around with. Now, unfortunately this is what Notre Dame will be remembered as instead of the team who went undefeated during regular season and made it to the National Championship against the country's best team.
     Hopefully, eventually people will learn it is not as easy as it used to be to just pass off a lie to the world with all the access to internet and records that the general public has today. I am tired of seeing these sick scams people try to pass off to get their "fifteen second of fame."

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Introduction #1

       My name is Bailey Davis. I am a sophomore Elementary Ed./Special Ed. major.I am twenty-years-old. I am from Hattiesburg and have lived here all my life.I graduated from Oak Grove High School in 2011. I got engaged in September and will be getting married in August. I hope to teach lower elementary Sped or second and third grade regular ed. I have wanted to teach since I was in the second grade. I have one twelve-year-old sister and two dogs.