Thursday, April 25, 2013

Blogfolio #21

1)      Video: The introduction video that we did met the NET standard 3 because we demonstrated collaboration with our parents, students, and peers by sharing our personal knowledge through self-videos on a blog. I can use this in my future classroom at the beginning of the year (maybe even before school starts) so parents and students can get a feel for me and who I am. I liked learning how to do this, because I think showing our students and parents who we are is critical.
2)      Concept Map: Doing the concept map met the 2nd NET standard because we learned how to design and develop learning experiences for our students that incorporate digital tools to promote learning and activity. I will definitely be able to use this in my classroom for topics that are multi-layered for easier understanding. This was a good thing to learn because it may help some students who need to see layered curriculum rather than just hear it.
3)      Kahn’s Academy: Using Kahn Academy in the classroom would meet the 3rd NET standard. It meets the 3rd standard because it is communicating relevant ideas using different formats of media. I may or may not be able to use this in my classroom. I probably will not start out using them, but if a student seems to be struggling I would refer them to his videos. This is a good tool to aid the students that may be struggling.
4)      Voki: Making a Voki meets the NET standard 3 similarly to number 1. It collaborates with parents and students through sharing of personal knowledge in a virtual environment. I think I could use this in my classroom, but probably would not. I would rather use a recorded video of me actually rather than the cartoon. I liked that we learned this, but just don’t know if I want to put it to use. It was a good thing to learn, though.
5)      Gap Minder: The Gap Minder tool meets the 4th NET standard because it models cultural understanding using digital age tools. The students can easily get on their computers and learn about people in other places that are very far (and very different) than them. I really would like to use this in several units in my classroom to keep the students’ minds open to the idea that everything and everybody in the world is not like the United States. It was a good thing to learn because it gives students a visual perspective of how things are in many places at a certain time rather than them just hearing what I am telling them.
6)      World Peace games: I feel like the World Peace Game meets the 5th NET standard because it allows the educator to exhibit leadership by practicing shared decision making and community building and developing the children’s leadership skills as well. I cannot use this in my classrooms, because I feel like it is intended for very advanced students and I hope to be working in Special Ed. so it would probably be too much going on at one time to benefit them. I do like the game and the idea behind it and I think it may be very beneficial to many students, especially those who do not feel challenged by class work. World Peace games may push them to the level of involvement they need.
7)      Movie Maker: Using the Movie Maker met the 2nd NET standard since we learned to design learning experiences that incorporate contemporary tools to maximize learning content and better the develop the knowledge. I can use this later to help ensure that my students have a firm grasp on the concepts I am teaching. We could learn a unit and at the end make a movie using all the things they learned from that unit. I really like this and think it was wonderful to be taught how to do it. 
8)      Xtranormal: Learning to create a small video using Xtranormal met NET standard number 1. Xtranormal can engage students in exploring real-world issues and show them problem solving through digital tools when the characters in the movie encounter and problem and fix it. I plan on using this in my classroom to set up social stories for my children with disabilities to teach them how to handle change in a real-life setting and situation. I liked this because the clips can be tailored to whatever kind of message you are trying to send with its wide variety of character choices and settings.
9)      Software and Hardware Technology: Learning the ins and outs of technology lingo directly links to the 3rd NET standard because it shows that the educator has fluency in technology systems and should be able to transfer that knowledge to new situations. I think the ways I can use this in the classroom are obvious, I am now more knowledgeable about the words of technology so if there is ever an issue and I have to hear or read how to fix it from someone who is tech. savvy I can better understand him or her. I liked think it was good to learn this so I can be more competent when I am speaking with someone who knows computers.
10)   Web Site: Creating a Teacher’s Website meets the 4th NET standard, because we had to model digital etiquette and responsible social interactions related to the use of technology and information. I will definitely use a personal website in my classroom that is beneficial for the parents as well as the student. This was my favorite project that we did. I think all teachers should have a web page available for students and their parents. I really liked learning how to do

In this class I have learned many things that will be beneficial for my future career as an educator.  I learned how to use programs that will help me integrate technology into my class. I did pretty well doing the things required in the class, my weakness was just going over what was asked of us. I also was not very successful at making my videos upload onto my blog each time that was required. I did pretty well when we made the video and felt confident in how to work Movie Maker. I think uploading videos was my weak point because I was not confident in how it was properly going into blogger. I think I was stronger in Movie Maker because I have used it before so I understood it well. I will keep trying with blogger until I can successfully upload a couple of videos which I will learn how to do by practice. I will make sure to have a class website and use aspects such as Xtranormal and Gap Minder in my classroom. I think blogs could be pretty useful in education, especially as far as turning in writing assignments goes. I could have each student post their writing to their blogs and have them learn how to use technology and do the assignments.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Atlanta Cheating Scandal Reverberates #18

This article is interesting to me. Although, I was not surprised that someone has actually gotten caught. I think for years many people have taken advantage and for granted the fact that people just don't usually cheat. I think it is sad that it affected so many teachers the way it has especially those who were trying to uncover the truth, but were in fear for their jobs or other things. I also feel bad that now large improvements made in any schools (especially these) will be heavily investigated. It also may make some teachers or counties nervous to have such large, or even minor, improvements in their scores. This is a shame, because schools should be able to be proud of their achievements not scared to have them. I just can't believe there were so many educators on board with cheating. I would think real educators whose hearts are in it, would want the students to succeed on their own. I just think the whole article is very strange.

To All the Colleges that Rejected ME #17

I think she is almost dead on. Not only just with colleges, but clubs and positions as well. There are many clubs at Southern that would not accept someone who only works a twenty-hour a week job and goes to school full-time simply because (besides the club I am trying to become involved in) I am not involved in campus life. But, I mean, that's what I am trying to do by applying to your club. "Only working a part-time job" while being in school full time is quite an accomplishment too. Just because it's not a school activity does not mean I'm not doing anything. I think she really is right about how colleges or things like this are towards appliers these days. I feel like her saying things that may be offensive is not to be harsh, but merely just pointing out how extreme or over the top someone applying must be or what he or she must have been or done.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Lalee's Kin #16

What is the problem?
 The problem is that the children in the district were not making the scores needed for the county to keep running the school instead of the state running the area. The problem also revolved around money; no one had any money to provide the school necessities for their children.

Why is it still around?

It's like a vicious cycle. What they need to fix the problem is not readily available to them; therefore, it's going to keep going until they can get to the resources easily and properly provide for the children.

How can we fix it?
It's still not fixed, because they can't get the funds there. They also cannot get the teachers there, due to low salaries for the teachers. It will only be fixed when constant funding and proper education are instructed there.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Gapminder World #15

The chart that I looked at was in the education literacy of boys versus girls. The countries that I looked at were China, Honduras, and Kenya. I picked these three because they are spread across the globe  instead of all clumped together to get a broader idea of literacy globally. It was very interesting to me, because Honduras and Kenya did not even show up on the map until the early 2000s and the amounts were very small; however, China's percentages were large and were recorded back to the 1980s where as the other two were not. The literacy percentages for Kenya and China (when they did show up) were very small. China's percentages have continuously risen (who's surprised?). While Kenya's even though the percentages were small, have risen over the years, but Honduras's has dropped almost consistently. I found it interesting that even though all the countries have had some types of changes, that since the 80s literacy is still how most people would expect it to be in those places.$majorMode=chart$is;shi=t;ly=2003;lb=f;il=t;fs=11;al=30;stl=t;st=t;nsl=t;se=t$wst;tts=C$ts;sp=5.59290322580644;ti=2009$zpv;v=0$inc_x;mmid=XCOORDS;iid=phAwcNAVuyj1jiMAkmq1iMg;by=ind$inc_y;mmid=YCOORDS;iid=0AkBd6lyS3EmpdE8xR0dUWDI4ME02SjQ5bi1NYnFHN0E;by=ind$inc_s;uniValue=8.21;iid=phAwcNAVuyj0XOoBL_n5tAQ;by=ind$inc_c;uniValue=255;gid=CATID0;by=grp$map_x;scale=log;dataMin=283;dataMax=110808$map_y;scale=lin;dataMin=24;dataMax=115$map_s;sma=49;smi=2.65$cd;bd=0$inds=i97_t002001,,,,;i114_t002000,,,,;i44_t001982,,,,

Voki-- Calss Introduction #14